Big History

 What is Big History? 

    According to the HuffPost, "Big History studies the history of everything, offering a way of making sense of our world and our role within it." The article goes on to say "[B]ig History is a wonderful way of getting sense of our place in the overall scheme of things, according to the best availble scientific knowledge." The term Big History is not a new concept to me, as I've heard about the Big Bang and the beginning of different organisims/life growing and different creatures forming. 

Timeline of the Universe, as per Big History narratives of some thinkers

    For me, Big History explains how earth and life sciences, religion and theory, literature and cultural history, history and humanities, all intertwine with one another, as it should. Has anyone heard of the domino effect?  It's almost the same concept, where we are all connected to one another in some way or form. Each discipline is not only intertwined with the next, but it supports it as well. So, in my opinion, it does seem logical that history can be taught in the way that many different disciplines are combined.  As explained on the webpage of the Big History Project, "Big History examines our past, explains our present, and imagines our future. It's a story about us. An idea that arose from a desire to go beyond specialized and self-contained fields of study to grasp history as a whole." For it to be taught in schools might just grab the attention of more kids to look at history with a different perspective and possibly pay more attention. It can very well intruige them to the point where they would want to study about it more. 

Works Cited:

Christian, David. (2014, March, 24). What is "Big History?" HuffPost.
